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106. What is delay signing?
  Delay signing allows you to place a shared assembly in the GAC by signing the assembly with just the public key. This allows the assembly to be signed with the private key at a later stage, when the development process is complete and the component or assembly is ready to be deployed. This process enables developers to work with shared assemblies as if they were strongly named, and it secures the private key of the signature from being accessed at different stages of development.
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107. Why string are called Immutable data Type?
  The memory representation of string is an Array of Characters, So on re-assigning the new array of Char is formed & the start address is changed . Thus keeping the Old string in Memory for Garbage Collector to be disposed.
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108. What are the difference between Structure and Class?
  • Structures are value type and Classes are reference type.
  • Structures can not have contractors or destructors. Classes can have both contractors and destructors.
  • Structures do not support Inheritance, while Classes support Inheritance.
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109. What is the lifespan for items stored in ViewState?
  Items stored in a ViewState exist for the life of the current page, including the post backs on the same page.
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110. What is a Interface?
  Interface is a contract that defines the signature of the functionality . So if a class is implementing a interface it says to the outer world that provides specific behavior. Single class can implement multiple interfaces If a class implements a interface then it has to provide implementation to all its method.
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