41. | Can a class simultaneously inherit from two other classes? |
A class cannot Inherit from more than one class. |
Posted by Deeskhith. (Jan 06, 2014) | |
A class cannot inherits directly from other class. With the help of interface it is possible. |
42. | What is the use of Overrides and Overridable keywords? |
Overridable is used in parent class to indicate that a method can be overridden. Overrides is used in the child to indicate that you are overriding method. |
43. | What is the use of copy constructor? |
Copy constructor is a constructor function with the same name as the class and used to make deep copy of objects. |
44. | What is a Static class? |
Static class is a class which can be used or accessed without creating an instance of the class. |
45. | Does events have return type? |
No, events do not have return type. |