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21. What is the difference between dataset clone and copy?
  Dataset Clone : It only copies structure does not copy data.
Dataset Copy : Copies both structure and data.
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22. What two classes are used to open and connect to a database using ADO.NET?
  Use the sqlconnection and oleDbConnection classes to connect to a database using ADO.NET.
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23. What is the use of Command builder?
  Command builder builds "parameter" objects automatically. Below is a simple code, which uses commands builder to load its parameter objects.
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24. Name some ADO.NET Objects?
  • Connection Object
  • DataReader Object
  • Command Object
  • DataSet Object
  • DataAdapter Object
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25. How can you populate one Dataset object with data from two different physical databases?
  Use two connection objects and two Adapter objects. Open a connection to both databases, and then fill the same Dataset with the two Adapters.
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