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31. Is SQL Server a Windows service?
  All SQL Server functionality-including the data engine, the scheduling engine, the SQL browser, etc. runs as Windows services. Windows services have some important characteristics including:

  • Background processing priority
  • Service logon authority
  • Autostart behavior
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32. How to run a query in Query Window?
  After typing the query, click the Execute button on the toolbar to run the query, and also we can use F5 key, the Ctrl+E combination or the Alt+X combination to run the query.
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33. Explain System Stored Procedures.
  System stored procedures provide mechanisms by which we can alter system catalog contents without having to interact directly with the system tables. It is highly inadvisable to attempt to modify system tables. However, system stored procedures can perform these operations safely, and they should be the preferred administrative tool for performing these operations.
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34. What is the difference between DECIMAL and FLOAT DataType?
  DECIMAL: Defined with precision up to 38 digits using format decimal [(p[ ,s])] where p is precision and s is scale. 17 bytes when used at maximum precision. Default precision is 18.
FLOAT: Defined using format of float[(n)]. 7 digits precision and 4 bytes size when n=1 to 24. 15 digits precision and 8 bytes size when n=25 to 53. Default n = 53.
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35. What is the difference between VARCHAR and NVARCHAR DataType?
  VARCHAR: Variable storage of ANSI characters using 1 byte per character + 2 bytes total overhead up to 8,000 characters. Up to 2GB storage when used as varchar(max).
NVARCHAR: Variable storage of Unicode characters using 2 byte per character + 2 bytes total overhead up to 8,000 characters. Up to 2GB storage when used as nvarchar(max).
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