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16. What are the Common SQL Function?
  • CONCAT(A, B) - Concatenates two string values to create a single string output. Often used to combine two or more fields into one
  • FORMAT(X, D) - Formats the number X to D significant digits.
  • CURRDATE(), CURRTIME() - Returns the current date or time.
  • NOW() - Returns the current date and time as one value.
  • MONTH(), DAY(), YEAR(), WEEK(), WEEKDAY() - Extracts the given data from a date value.
  • HOUR(), MINUTE(), SECOND() - Extracts the given data from a time value.
  • DATEDIFF(A, B) - Determines the difference between two dates-commonly used to calculate ages
  • SUBTIMES(A, B) - Determines the difference between two times.
  • FROMDAYS(INT) - Converts an integer number of days into a date value.
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17. Explain Access Control Lists.
  An ACL (Access Control List) is a list of permissions that is associated with an object. This list is the basis for MySQL server's security model and once you understand this it helps greatly when troubleshooting problems with users not being able to connect.
MySQL keeps the ACLs (also called grant tables) cached in memory. When a user tries to authenticate or run a command, MySQL checks the authentication information and permissions against the ACLs, in a predetermined order.
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18. Define system tables.
All the user and permission information is stored in the mysql database in a set of tables known as the grant tables.

The information_schema database really is not a database but an interface to various system metadata
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19. Tell me about GRANT and REVOKE.
  There are two commands that are used to control a user’s privileges. The GRANT command is used to give an existing user privileges, and REVOKE is used to remove privileges. If a user does not exist, GRANT will create a new user at the same time we are giving them privileges.
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20. What drawback will occur when using GRANT command?
  It is too easy to forget to specify a password when using the GRANT syntax. We should be created with CREATE USER first, then given permissions with GRANT.
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