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Arithmetical Reasoning

16. Five bells begin to toll together and toll respectively at intervals of 6, 5, 7, 10 and 12 seconds. How many times will they toll together in one hour excluding the one at the start?
  • A. 5 times
  • B. 6 times
  • C. 7 times
  • D. 8 times
Ans: D.
L.C.M. of 6,5,7,10 and 12 is 420.
So, the bells will toll together after every 420 seconds. i.e. 7 minutes.
Now 7 × 8 = 56 and 7 × 9 = 63.
Thus, in 1 hour( or 60 minutes), the bells will toll together 8 times, excluding the one at the start.
17. At the end of a business conference the ten people present all shake hands with each other once. How many handshakes will there be altogether?
  • A. 20
  • B. 30
  • C. 40
  • D. 45
Ans: D.
Clearly, total number of handshakes
= (9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1) = 45.
18. I have a few sweets to be distributed. If I keep 2,3 or 4 in pack, Iam left with one sweet. If I keep 5 in a pack, Iam left with none. What is the minimum number of sweets I have to pack and distribute?
  • A. 25
  • B. 35
  • C. 56
  • D. 65
Ans: A.
Clearly, the required number would be such that it leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 2, 3 or 4 and no remainder when divided by 5, Such a number is 25.
19. A shepherd had 17 sheep. All but nine died. How many was he left with?
  • A. 6
  • B. 7
  • C. 8
  • D. 9
Ans: D.
All but nine died means ‘All except nine died’. i.e., 9 sheep remainded alive.
20. An enterprising businessman earns an income of Re. 1 on the first day of his business. On every subsequent day, he earns an income which is just double of that made on the previous day. One the 10th day of business. his income is
  • A. Rs.10
  • B. Rs.102
  • C. Rs.210
  • D. Rs.29
Ans: D.
Income of the first day = Re = 1.
Income of the 2nd day = Rs. ( 1 × 2) = Rs. 21.
Income of the 3rd day = Rs. ( 21 × 2) = Rs. 22 and so on.
Thus, Income of the nth day = Rs.2n - 1.
Therefore Income of the 10th day = Rs. 29.