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Alphabet Test

21. Arrange the following words will come in middle if all of them are arranged alphabetically as in a dictionary?
  • A. Colon
  • B. Collective
  • C. Colloid
  • D. Collotype
  • E. College
Ans: C.
Collective, College, Colloid, Collotype, Colon
22. Arrange the following words will come in middle if all of them are arranged alphabetically as in a dictionary?
  • A. Research
  • B. Rational
  • C. Round
  • D. Rustic
  • E. Rural
Ans: C.
Rational, Research, Round, Rural, Rustic
23. Arrange the following words will come in middle if all of them are arranged alphabetically as in a dictionary?
  • A. Spine
  • B. Spinal
  • C. Spinner
  • D. Spinet
  • E. Spindle
Ans: A.
Spinal, Spindle, Spine, Spinet, Spinner
24. Arrange the following words will come in middle if all of them are arranged alphabetically as in a dictionary?
  • A. Grammar
  • B. Granary
  • C. Grandeur
  • D. Grand
  • E. Granule
Ans: D.
Grammar, Granary, Grand, Grandeur, Granule
25. Arrange the following words will come in middle if all of them are arranged alphabetically as in a dictionary?
  • A. Donative
  • B. Donate
  • C. Donkey
  • D. Donjon
  • E. Donator
Ans: E.
Donate, Donative, Donator, Donjon, Donkey