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Computer Networks Questions and Answers

33. The vast network of computers that connects millions of people all over the world is called
  • A. LAN
  • B. Web
  • C. Hybertext
  • D. Internet
Answer: D.
34. Which of the following terms is just the collection of networks that can be joined together?
  • A. Virtual private network
  • B. Intranet
  • C. Extranet
  • D. LAN
Answer: B.
35. To connect networks of similar protocols ______ are used.
  • A. Routers
  • B. Bridges
  • C. Gateways
  • D. Dial-up routers
Answer: B.
36. Telnet is a ______ based computer protocol.
  • A. Sound
  • B. Text
  • C. Image
  • D. Animation
Answer: B.